Post by PSHE Fan on Sept 18, 2012 13:26:24 GMT 1
So what's the profile of PSHE in your school? Do you feel supported? Do you feel alone in a sea full of literacy and maths sharks? I'm lucky. My current workplace has great support from the head and governors for both PSHE itself and the big and scary SRE! It hasn't always been the same. My previous workplace fit it in when they could and I personally taught SRE to Y6 in the last few weeks of the summer. NO SRE ANYWHERE ELSE! Before that my first workplace didn't even have PSHE in place when I arrived. I left with it timetabled weekly but man oh man getting them to think for their children was difficult. Everyone wanted a plan, in the hand, with a worksheet to accompany it. So......care to share?
Post by PSHE Fan on Oct 14, 2012 21:24:53 GMT 1
So, since I signed the pshe association charter, which gives us a logo saying we are a school committed to excellence in PSHE education the profile of the subject has really risen.
It went out on the newsletter and I was given a big slot in a recent INSET to explain this and add a few new things to the way we teach it.
I am being observed weekly now as an enforced CPD formal observation rota. The staff have to sign up to one of a few subjects and come and see good practice.
Ive enjoyed showcasing PSHE and having people actively interested in my subject.
Post by PSHE Fan on Oct 17, 2012 21:22:03 GMT 1
I have recently had soem informal chats with my colleagues and have discovered that some are not giving time to pshe and others are extremely reliant on having everything 'there' for them.
I've reiterated that there are resources that were bought and if all else fails you can go back to that mad method of using the objectives you have been given and actually planning it yourself! Shock Horror!
It is a shame when colleagues don't feel comfortable enough to plan their own sessions for their children.
I recently took an INSET with AfL techniques as a focus but Im beginning to think now that to really influence the quality of PSHE in the school I may need to conduct some kind of planning based INSET/PDM.
I could bemoan the fact that some just dont care about pshe but I dont think that is it. I think that core subjects and being accountable for reaching targets for pay progression weigh heavy on the mind of teachers.
Time is something so precious to us all and investing it on something you are not made to show significant progress in can really make you invest it elsewhere.
Im going to keep plugging its worth though. I have the charter behind me, the head and governors and some staff. Let's see what we can do with those that simply feel pshe is just another thing that can be pushed aside.
Post by PSHE Fan on Nov 4, 2012 22:18:55 GMT 1
Also, from things I've read in other forums and discussions with colleagues, I think a lot of teachers feel that they have inadequate subject knowledge in pshe. And if they try planning from given units of work they arnt entirely sure of the direction each objective has. Lots of teachers plan it routinely but don't really get to grips with the core skills and understanding the sessions are developing. How do you address such a massive stumbling block?
Post by PSHE Fan on Nov 15, 2012 18:26:21 GMT 1
So happy news today! A teacher came up to me, who had observed me last week, telling me all the exciting things she is planning for pshe and the massive display she is going to make. This was wonderful to gear, especially as she referred to some strategies I modelled whilst she observed.
Also I had to meet with a senior hmi inspector, as the head and school are going for national leader of education, and national support school status. He asked a few questions about pshe and the impact I had made, the support the school gave me and what chartered pshe teacher involved. I felt happy to share with someone!
Post by PSHE Fan on Nov 15, 2012 18:27:39 GMT 1
Gear??? Hear!
Post by PSHE Fan on Nov 28, 2012 21:21:14 GMT 1
Woo! This is part of an email my head sent to our assessment manager after no reply when I asked for support.
We need a PSHE Assessment. I think this is at the core of any primary curriculum and is certainly the initial assessment in EYFS. No-one is using the old system so that must have been too onerous. I know we did speak about it a while ago. Please let Mel know before Assessment week begins as she will need to let staff know what to do and where the resources are.
That makes me feel good. I know my head teacher supports me!